Welcome to the official website of the All-Ukrainian Association of Entrepreneurs "Nova Formatsia"!
For over 25 years, we have been uniting small and medium enterprises in Ukraine, promoting their businesses in Europe and globally, attracting foreign direct investments to strategic industries of Ukraine, and representing our members in policy dialogues in Ukraine and with foreign NGOs and Trade Chambers.
We understand the challenges posed by the ongoing war in Ukraine and the related difficulties faced by our entrepreneurs. In light of these circumstances, the All-Ukrainian Association of Entrepreneurs "New Formation" is reinforcing its activities and intensifying efforts to support our members and contribute to the economic development and rebuilding of Ukraine.
On our website, you will find valuable information about our organization, our services, members, and partners. We regularly update our resources to provide you with access to the latest news, events, and business development opportunities.
We invite you to join our community of entrepreneurs, participate in our events and initiatives, and make use of our services and resources to promote your business.
Thank you for visiting our website! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or inquiries.
Sincerely yours,