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International Business Forum Precarpathian

25 та 26 го жовтня у місті Калуш відбувся потужний міжнародний бізнес-форум «International Business Forum Precarpathian», який об’єднав більше 10 країн.
Організатором заходу виступила Всеукраїнська громадська організація підприємців "Нова Формація".
Форум відбувся за підтримки Калуської міської ради.
Особлива подяка Меру міста Калуш Пану Найді Андрію Михайловичу = і за підтримку, і за відкриття, і за модерацію Форуму разом з депутатом Калуської міської ради, однією з Лідерів «Нової Формації» Пані Богданою Галайдою.
У Форумі взяли участь представники українського бізнесу з усіх регіонів країни та міжнародні партнери.
Серйозна увага Форуму була приділена від української влади (Верховна Рада України, Кабмін, регіональні та локальні лідери та депутати, відомі науковці…).

В перший день Форуму приблизно 150 учасників обговорювали теми чотирьох панелей Форуму - конструктивно, плідно, з гумором, різними мовами, але з 100% розумінням один одного.
Другий день заходу був присвячений компаніям-візитам, які дозволили учасникам ближче познайомитися з провідними підприємствами  регіону.

На Форумі було підписано Меморандум про взаємодію між Українським Обʼєднанням Нова Формація та Представництвом ZPP в Україні (Спілка підприємців та роботодавців Польщі).

Відтепер «International Business Forum Precarpathian» стане щорічною подією в Україні (в Калуші), яка збиратиме фахівців і лідерів думок з усього світу, аби підтримувати та разом рухати Україну вперед.

Дякуємо всім, хто приєднався до цієї важливої події.

Разом до нових звершень та єдн

Щиро дякую всій Команді Нової Формації! 🙏
Командна робота + синергія = дає Результат! 🤝

Низькій уклін Збройним Силам України за те, що завдяки їхньому героїзму ми маємо можливість жити, працювати та розвивати рідну країну 🇺🇦🙏

Традиційно «фотонарізка» з Форуму. 

Dmytro Sterenberg on business relocation at the international forum Nova Formatsia

At the international business forum Nova Formatsia in Kalush, business representatives discussed the challenges faced by Ukrainian business and looked for new ways to develop in the context of a full-scale war.
Dmytro Sterenberg, founder and director of Olwood LLC (Papa Carlo Door Factory) and a member of the Carpathian Industrial Cluster, shared his experience of successful relocation of his company and adaptation to new conditions.

📌Key lessons from Dmytro:
☑ʊ'Careful selection of employees and motivation of the team through financial incentives, housing, and clear prospects. It is important that employees do not doubt success.
☑ʊ'Identifying potential problems and clear planning. Instead of big plans for the team, it is better to set achievable short-term goals that motivate.
☑ʊ' Relocation is a chance to update processes and technologies, which can quickly increase the efficiency of the enterprise.
☑ʊ'Focus on products with high demand and added value. Attracting external resources (grants, partnership investments). Optimization of production processes and cost reduction.

Dmytro emphasized that relocation gives a chance to review all processes and implement changes that previously seemed impossible, which contributes to the development of the enterprise even in difficult times.

💼 Join the ACC! We are always glad to cooperate!
If you have any questions, suggestions, please contact us via contacts:
e-mail: Skrypnikov on new business opportunities through relocation at the international business forum Nova Formatsia

At the international forum Nova Formatsia, entrepreneurs shared their experience of adapting and developing business in times of war.

Viktor Skipnikov, Commercial Director of Motorimpex Group of Companies and a member of the Board of the Precarpathian Industrial Cluster, spoke at the fourth session, sharing his experience of relocating the company and the challenges faced by businesses in this difficult time.

🔹 Relocation is not only a challenge, but also a new start!
Viktor emphasized that moving the company to a new location opens up the opportunity to build a dream company. This is a chance to review and establish all the processes as you always wanted, but it was impossible under the old conditions. Relocation also helps to establish new business relationships, exchange of experience and opens the way for development.

📌 Practical tools for successful relocation from Viktor:
☑ʊ'The implemented HR management system and the ability to work remotely help businesses adapt to a new location.
☑ʊ'CRM and process automation. The use of a CRM system and automation of business processes greatly facilitated the reconfiguration of work and allowed us to quickly move to stable operation.

Viktor Skipnikov's speech at the forum was a valuable case study that demonstrates how relocation can be a new start for companies, giving them the opportunity to rebuild their work and find new opportunities even in times of war.
Viktor Skipnikov's speech at the forum was a valuable case study that demonstrates how relocation can be a new start for companies, allowing them to rebuild their operations and find new opportunities even in times of war.

💼 Join the ACC! We are always happy to cooperate!
If you have any questions, suggestions, please contact us via contacts:
e-mail:💼 Dmytro Koval on business development at the international forum Nova Formatsia
for business in times of war.

Dmytro Koval, Director of the Production Department at Suziria Research and Production Enterprise LLC and a member of the Carpathian Industrial Cluster, shared his experience of business relocation. Suziria Group, a Ukrainian family-owned enterprise and one of the leaders in the pet industry, moved its grain feed production to Kalush after the rocket attacks on Kharkiv.

📌Dmytro's main points:
☑ʊ'Dmytro noted the fast and well-coordinated cooperation with local authorities, as well as the accessible networking and the ability to easily establish all the necessary contacts, which was a great advantage of working in the Western region.
☑ʊ'At the new location, Suziria Group has implemented a Lean management system that has helped to optimize processes, reduce losses, and increase efficiency. The company monitors productivity as much as possible, ensuring consistent high quality and cost-effective production.
☑ʊ'With the help of grants, the company managed not only to successfully carry out the relocation but also to significantly increase production capacity.

💼 Join the ACC! We are always glad to cooperate!
If you have any questions, suggestions, please contact us via the contacts:
Member of the Committee on Economic Development Oleksandr Marikovskyi took part in the international business forum
Press service of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
An international business forum "Challenges of War and Opportunities for Growth" was held in Kalush, bringing together leading experts and speakers from Ukraine and many countries. The forum has become a unique platform for discussing the key challenges facing Ukraine, finding innovative solutions, and forging strategic partnerships between business, government and international organisations.
"Last week, Kalush hosted an economic forum that revolutionises the idea of the role of small towns in big changes," says Oleksandr Marikovskyi, chairman of the Economic Development Committee's Subcommittee on Regional Economic Cooperation and Trade.
What once seemed to be an ordinary industrial centre in western Ukraine is now becoming a hotspot for investment.
Kharkiv and other companies that were forced to relocate their facilities because of the war are now finding a new home here. The city is bringing its old facilities back to life and filling them with new meaning.
Kalush is not waiting for "instructions from Kyiv". Thanks to a progressive mayor and good infrastructure, they use every available tool: industrial parks, grant programmes for internal relocation from the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, credit lines, etc. 
The region's strong potential attracts both domestic and international investors and consultants who have come to the forum from different countries.
Ukrainian and international investors were not just exchanging ideas - they were looking for common ground where cooperation would be mutually beneficial.

Kalush is sending a signal that it will not just survive the new economic reality, but will become one of the regional leaders in economic recovery.
We agreed on the annual format of the forum and discussed the potential of establishing the Kalush Economic Club with the involvement of international ambassadors."
Andriy Naida, Mayor of Kalush, said: "Kalush, being a rear-guard community, is uniquely positioned to promote business development. We are ready to cooperate with entrepreneurs from all over Ukraine and abroad, as we are convinced that investment in the local economy is a contribution to the future of our country.

Attracting investment, developing industry, and supporting small and medium-sized businesses are among the key priorities of our community." 


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